Android, beyond my expectation, great job!

First of all, I’ve gotta say that I’m writing all these down just to document the journey I’m in. Some people decide to film it, some rather tweet about it, some Instagram it. I guess I like words and blogging much more. It’s such a great medium. Always fascinates me how simply writing about something can be so therapeutic, sometimes giving us such invaluable insights about ourselves and the direction we’re heading towards in life.

Here are some updates of what I’ve been through last week:

The Project

Last week we didn’t start Alpha 13 and we jumped into Alpha 19 and did about 40% of it. Sometimes it’s essential for us to do some tasks of other phases before getting back to the main track. Well, in the ideal world you should be able to anticipate those essential needs and plan them ahead at the time they seem to be really required to be fulfilled but as you know we’re not living in a perfect world where we are always a perfect project manager in all projects all the time.

Anyway, the good news is so far we haven’t had any major difficulty implementing our code base in the Android ecosystem.


Android is fun I’ve got to admit. The last app I developed for Android was BCTUNES mobile client back in 2014. After about 5 years of being a full-time iOS user, and an iOS developer for about 7 years it’s really amazing to see how much Android has been advanced since I left it.

It’d been nothing new to me that open source platforms like Android (not referring to any particular distribution here) are always one step, at least one step, ahead of proprietary platforms like iOS or windows mobile (at least feature wise), still it stroke me when I was testing new features and UI components of the recent Android versions, especially Google Android Pie.

It’s no longer laggy, transitions are really smooth, and everything is just happening seamlessly. I haven’t gone through any benchmark yet but I sincerely feel and believe it competes tightly with iOS now. And don’t let me even start with how much Android Studio indulges application developer compared to the clunky XCode.

Personal Life

Hasn’t been changed so much since last year. I guess I’m not really into dating anymore for now. Why? I don’t know maybe I’m still in a temporary recovery phase or maybe I’m seeing through actual shallow relationships are being made in our time because of our country’s unusual circumstances. (Required a dedicated post, certainly gonna write about it sometime in near future)

The point is, right now, I really feel no void or some similar feelings like that. I really love my job and I like being by myself for some time concentrating on what has been sacrificed most during my relationships. You know it’s not like I don’t want to be in, it’s more like a trade-off; is a relationship really worth all energy it takes in my current situation?

Next Post

In my next non-release post, I’d probably talk about the experience I’ve had of working on this project since a couple of years ago and how my life has been turned out since leaving UBC.

Alright, let’s wrap it up before it gets lengthier… till next one, Take care.

PS: In the main photo, I’m just having breakfast while reading Jack Canfield’s “The Success Principles” on my kindle. It has nothing to do with android 😀 Just a frame of my day.