Alpha 6 is done!

We’ve just released Alpha 6! You have no idea how elated we are. We made two tribble mistakes along this journey so far, and the latter one was during the development of Alpha 6, but we recovered, and now we’re almost back to our track again.

I’m not a kind of guy to talk about the process of creating something while it’s still under development as I can’t see the point. After all, nobody knows how many more mistakes we may make in the remained phases. I’m just trying to update those of you who are interested, of our significant milestones, like finishing an actual stage.

Another reason I’m not talking about my programming carrier and my life as a software developer is that It’s not that much fun, exciting, and comprehensible to my mainstream followers compared to my artistic facet of life, and things I created, produced there or will be in future (This is not a tech blog, I’m not a geek). But I promise to post about the journey I’m in and this software project, the lessons learned, etc. once we released our first public version. It has been both a turbulent and pleasant journey at the same time, and I’ve got a lot to say especially technical wise but for now, let us enjoy this moment of accomplishing phase 6.

Especial thanks to our team: Lee, Tom, James, Abdul-Jabbar, Wong, and Hamidreza who contributed to this accomplishment 🌹

To the next phase, cheers! 🍻

PS: Still hiring (Deadline: Oct 19, 2018)